May 28, 2010
Twenty one years ago, after ACL removal surgery on my right knee, I was fortunate enough to meet and be treated by a young therapist named Mike Kelo. Mike got to the bottom of my problem, discussed it and assisted in my healing. At that time he even saved my insurance company money by researching and recommending a wonderful, less expensive knee brace. (He truly listened when I mentioned that I wanted to resume playing tennis.)
Fast forward to the present and my immediate problem. My husband and I sought out Mr. Kelo and was pleasantly surprised to find that he owns his own business. He certainly has not changed his inquiring and patient oriented manner either.
During his treatment of my current problem he gently probed beyond the immediate and the obvious for causes of my pain. In so doing his recommendations sent my doctors in a different direction. Obviously not one that they had previously considered. His persistence again paid off for me, as an extremely serious and potentially debilitating condition was found out early and dealt with, with dispatch! I believe that Mr. Kelo was sent into our lives by God at the most opportune time once again, THANKS MIKE for your due diligence!
Mrs. Leslie Lewis
Richmond, Va.